Can Stretching Really Help Us?
Check out this short powerful clip from last Thursday’s Bible Study.
Here’s The Transcript From The Video Above
So why do we stretch physically in sports? We stretch before playing for three main reasons one, to prevent injury. Number two, we stretch so that we can have better movements. And number three, we stretch so that we can not only prevent injury and have better movement but we stretch so that we actually can do more than we would be able to do if we did not stretch.
Your body can go just a little further. Your limbs can go in a certain direction just a little bit more because you’ve stretched. People who are stretched out regularly are less likely to break. People who are stretched out regularly are less likely to break. And I’ve seen in my life those who’ve been through something are able to handle more in life than those who have been so protected that they’ve never experienced anything difficult in their life.
Those folks, it seems when something does come their way, even if it’s something small, they freak out, they can’t handle it. They get all worried and all nervous and all concerned, and they think it’s the end of the world. And they’re often making mountain runs out of molehills because they never been stretched in their life before. And you know that the Beatitudes.
But a friend of mine, you might have heard this saying as well, he likes to add another beatitude. He says, Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be broken. There needs to be a stretching in order to be flexible so that when you go through adversity in life, you’re not going to break. And so God helps to stretch us out regularly so that we’re less likely to break because this world is hard.
This life is hard. Being a man in 2022 is not necessarily easy in our society and in our culture. And the Lord wants to stretch us as men so that we can go through things without breaking.
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