Spiritual Physics

Episode 1: Introduction

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In the inaugural episode of “Spiritual Physics: An Introduction”, Pastor Garry Patrylo explores the concept of spiritual physics, a familiar notion within the Men’s Discipleship Network. Pastor Garry acknowledges the initial unease that arises when grappling with the idea of spiritual physics. The episode aims to simplify the concept, focusing on eight fundamental steps that collectively form the essence of spiritual physics. These steps are designed to be easily memorable, ensuring that participants can grasp and apply them in their lives.

The initial step of Spiritual Physics revolves around knowing God on a deep and personal level, transcending mere intellectual knowledge. This knowledge entails an intimate understanding of God’s character and heart. Therefore, the subsequent stage emphasizes the importance of trusting God, drawing from the recognition that His care and faithfulness extend to individuals. As trust deepens, it leads to a profound sense of love for God, fostering a genuine desire to obey His commands. This obedience, in turn, paves the way for the principle of abiding in God. Then, Pastor Garry underscores that these steps are not isolated occurrences but are interconnected and continuous, reflecting the progressive journey of Christian discipleship.

Moreover, the introduction to Spiritual Physics delves into the idea that salvation is a part of this process, aligning it with the steps of knowing, trusting, and loving God. Pastor Garry highlights that spiritual growth is not a linear path, necessitating continuous filling and renewal from the Holy Spirit. The filling and renewal challenges misconceptions and doubts, reminding the audience that progress in their relationship with God requires ongoing commitment and support from a community of believers. The ultimate goal is the realization of true freedom in Christ, solidified by deepening intimacy, unwavering trust, genuine love, and steadfast obedience in the journey of spiritual physics.

Pastor Garry Patrylo

Reverend Garry Patrylo serves as a Men's Discipleship Pastor at Men's Discipleship Network. His fervent commitment to discipling men is masterfully complemented by his teaching skills in biblically equipping men to lead in the Family, Church, and Workplace. Besides being the lead Pastor of House on the Rock Church in Rockaway Beach, Queens NY, he and his wife, Katherine, are Executive Directors of Expect Hope, a maternity home for abortion vulnerable women.

Pastor Garry Patrylo

Reverend Garry Patrylo serves as a Men's Discipleship Pastor at Men's Discipleship Network. His fervent commitment to discipling men is masterfully complemented by his teaching skills in biblically equipping men to lead in the Family, Church, and Workplace. Besides being the lead Pastor of House on the Rock Church in Rockaway Beach, Queens NY, he and his wife, Katherine, are Executive Directors of Expect Hope, a maternity home for abortion vulnerable women.

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