S.E.A.L. Team Training: Episode 1
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S.E.A.L. Team Trainings are taken directly from our Premium Bible Study called “The Mission-Driven Man.” This series comes with both video teachings and a printed curriculum manual.
In Episode 1 of “S.E.A.L. Team™ Training for Men,” the narrative unfolds in Capernaum in 33 A.D., introducing Benny Bar Jonah, a paralyzed man who has lost hope in the midst of his physical affliction. Benny’s daily routine involves interactions with his small platoon of four friends, who consistently share messages of hope centered around the possibility of divine healing through a man named Jesus. The story takes a pivotal turn when Benny’s friends decide to take him to Jesus for healing, overcoming obstacles such as a crowded house by ingeniously lowering Benny through the roof. This episode highlights the transformative power of faith and friendship, as Jesus not only heals Benny physically but also forgives his sins, showcasing the profound impact of united faith and unwavering friendship.
As part of the broader S.E.A.L. Team training series, Men’s Pastor Scott Caesar delves into the fourth touch, termed “team time.” Building on previous sessions in The Mission-Driven Man Series that covered themes such as freedom, spiritual warfare, and the potency of the Word of God, this segment emphasizes the critical role of godly friendships in a man’s life. The teaching underscores the alarming statistics revealing a lack of intimate friendships among men and warns against the detrimental effects of isolation on mental health and decision-making.
Drawing from C.S. Lewis’s perspective on friendship as a profound love and biblical admonitions on the importance of companionship, the session’s mission is clear – to inspire men to recognize and intentionally pursue godly friendships as an essential aspect of their spiritual growth and overall well-being. Examples from the Old and New Testaments, particularly the friendship between David and Jonathan, serve as models for covenant friendships, reinforcing the teaching’s call to prioritize and cherish these transformative relationships.
S.E.A.L. Team | Episode 2
S.E.A.L. Team: Episode 2 delves into the acronym and how these principles will empower and impact men’s spiritual growth.
S.E.A.L. Team | Episode 3
S.E.A.L. Team: Episode 3 guides men in building a deep, meaningful brotherhood that transforms lives and empowers men to overcome struggles.
S.E.A.L. Team | Episode 4
S.E.A.L. Team: Episode 4 emphasizes the importance of confidentiality, accountability, transparency, active listening, and a culture of honor.
Men's Pastor Scott Caesar
Scott Caesar is the Men’s Pastor and Founder of the Men’s Discipleship Network. In 2016 MDN celebrated 20 years in ministry to men and their families. He is the author of the W.E.A.P.O.N.S. ® Curriculum for Men and The Mission-Driven Man series which provide comprehensive training on the most vital truths for the Christian man. The Men’s Discipleship Network’s system of male discipleship has seen unprecedented growth in the Northeast United States due to message–driven events and church curriculum cementing “Truth that Transforms with Training that Sustains.”
Men's Pastor Scott Caesar
Scott Caesar is the Men’s Pastor and Founder of the Men’s Discipleship Network. In 2016 MDN celebrated 20 years in ministry to men and their families. He is the author of the W.E.A.P.O.N.S. ® Curriculum for Men and The Mission-Driven Man series which provide comprehensive training on the most vital truths for the Christian man. The Men’s Discipleship Network’s system of male discipleship has seen unprecedented growth in the Northeast United States due to message–driven events and church curriculum cementing “Truth that Transforms with Training that Sustains.”
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